Ia ora na!
been a busy week... so much to say I don’t
know exactly where to start! Everything is going well here in our new area,
Tubuai. Man, is it beautiful! No cars, no buses, no awful reggae remixes of
Bruno Mars playing everywhere we go... It's peaceful here, to say the least.
Beautiful coconut trees everywhere, white sandy beaches all around the island,
blueeee waterrrr, yeah you guys get the point. It’s
a little cooler here than it is in Tahiti, which is awesome cuz it was really
starting to heat up there. Weather is perfect here!
I guess I’ll explain a little bit how things work here. There are actually now 4 Elders and a couple serving here right now, and Elder Firuu and I are on the side of the island with poor phone service and no store... awesome! And because it’s far from where the Elders before normally live, there aren't as many lessons going on here. It’s been a little hard and a little slow getting all settled in and finding where all the members live and so forth. The other Elders have helped us a good amount, but again they’re on the other side of the island so it’s a little tough to get together right now..

Things are pretty good with Elder Firuu. He's already a pretty good missionary; he has a strong testimony and he already knows a good amount of scripture. Only problem is I don’t really understand him sometimes... he refuses to speak French with me, only Tahitian. I'm not gonna complain though! By the end of this transfer, I expect my Tahitian to skyrocket. I can speak the language pretty well, but my comprehension right now just stinks! I bore my testimony in Tahitian in fast and testimony meeting yesterday, and afterwards everyone came up to me and starting speaking to me in Tahitian, and I was so lost. They wouldn’t stop too, I guess they didn’t notice my blank face when they were talking to me! French, that’s all good. It’s actually a relief when people talk to me in French.
about it I guess! I have some pictures but for some reason, it won’t upload on this computer. Next week I guess! Love
you guys, and take care.
Elder Ball
Such an incredible place to be! I love hearing from Casey!