Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
Already done...? (Papeete)
Ia ora na!
That's my last ia ora na after 2 years. Dang. Well how can I
explain my feelings? I don't know if I can really, I'm sad because this morning
I left Bora Bora after a 7 month stay. Honestly the last stretch of my mission
has been extremely difficult, but extremely memorable. I've never gotten closer
to members of one of my areas than I have in Bora, and I miss them a ton. At
the same time, I'm stoked to get back home! I'm ready to continue life... but a
part of me wants to continue it here. Well we can't all stay in paradise
This week was quite a week. I wish I could say everything
but I actually do not have a ton of time, I'm in Papeete and we got a ton of
stuff to do before we head back. But when I do have time (at home...) I'll end
my blog with a good wrap up of the mission. I love you all and have a great
week, I mean, 2 days... crazy!
Elder Ball
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Comin up on the end (Bora Bora - week #30)
Ia ora na tout le monde!
Another good week, and just one more to go. It doesnt really
feel like I'm leaving yet, so I guess when the moment comes and I leave it'll
hit me. But not yet. I'll just enjoy the sunshine while I still got it! Though
it was good to talk to the family yesterday for Mother's day, I love you all
and can't wait to see you all again!
Well, what to say about this past week. We had a good lesson
with our new investigators, T, T and E. No alcohol included this
time! It was maybe the best lesson that Elder Swartz and I have taught
together, and you could totally tell that they felt the Spirit, and that they
understood the lesson. They accepted the commitments that we gave them, and it
looks like that they could really be baptized. Again, it's another unmarried
couple situation, so the marriage is something that has to be taken care of
first. But I have great hopes for them.
The works been pretty tough, all in all. In the past few
weeks we've found many new investigators, but they've been dropping out as
quickly as they came... Pretty much sorting through the wheat and the tares,
those who are ready and those who aren't quite so serious. A lot of them have
been the latter. But it's not stopping us, we'll just keep trying to have the
same efforts in working well with our members in order to find new
I'm hoping for a strong last week, we're gonna be working
hard. I love you all, have yourselves a great week!
Elder Ball
Monday, May 11, 2015
Mother's Day call (Bora Bora - week #30)
We had a nice call with Elder Ball on Mother's Day. His brother, Thomas, Skyped in as well from the University of Oregon. We received the happy news that Thomas has been called to the Maryland Baltimore Mission, Spanish speaking and he shared it with his brother Casey. One Elder Ball is coming home and one Elder Ball is leaving. We are so happy for their service to the Lord and dedication to helping our brothers and sisters in the world.

I'm not sure if we'll get another email from him before he is home (in 9 days!). I'm sure he will provide a last blog entry and testimony when he returns.
For those who are local, he will report on his mission at the following place at 9 am on May 24th:
875 Quince Ave
Santa Clara, CA
Thanks everyone for your love and support to Elder Ball!
From his mother, Beth
Monday, May 4, 2015
The wheat and the tares (Bora Bora - week #29)
Ia ora na tatou!
Another week passed... and another week left. A little over
2 weeks left before I see all your lovely faces again. Things are going by
quickly, but I'm just doing my best not to pay any attention and just work, cuz
it's not over yet.
Elder Swartz and I had another solid week of work, work,
work. Last week we had found many new investigators, and the same has been for
this week. The members have been outstanding and motivated in the work. But
unfortunately, we've had many investigators, new and old alike, decide to turn
away from our message... So it feels like we're just sorting through the wheat
and the tares. We see that there's a lot of field, but is it really white
already for the harvest?
Three of these new investigators were a couple named T and T [note from Casey's mom: sorry, that almost everyone's name in Tahiti begins with T], and the mother of T named E. They were a reference given us
by the RS president, so we went over to contact them. We were greeted by a
cranky E, who just started drinking and was already slightly tipsy. She
was upset that we didn't call before coming, and we said sorry we didn't know we
just wanted to meet them! We were going to propose to come back another day,
but she insisted that we come in (after all that fuss...) and T and T were happy to see us. We learn that they are all inactive Adventists, haven't
been to church in a while. As we start teaching, E asks a bunch of
questions and making objections to our teachings, and we respond with the
Bible, but you know you cant get far when teaching an intoxicated Mamie. But
T and T were loving everything we were teaching, and T just tells
her mother to hush up and listen a little to our message. All in all it worked
out well, didn't get super far in the lesson but we fixed a return date and plan
on calling in advance this time!
We had other new investigators as well, such as H, a
woman who was walking down the street as we were teaching another new
investigator of ours, T, next to the road. She's a good friend of T and she was interested in what was going on, so she came over to listen. We
taught about the Restoration, and it was awesome! They were both psyched to
receive a Book of Mormon and read it, and then test Moroni's promise,
especially H. I truly feel that she has much potential, and maybe we were in
the right place at the right time and Heavenly Father led her right to us. It
helps me remember that as we do our best, God takes care of the rest.
Those are just a few examples of the experiences of this
week. We've been taking advantage of the awesomeness of this island every P-day,
and we have some pretty great photos. Enjoy. Love you all, have a great week!
Elder Ball
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Short Letter (Bora Bora - week #28)
Ia ora na mom!
This letter's gonna be a short one. I don't
have much to say about this week, but things are going awesome! We had a lot of
new investigators this week and are getting pretty busy, it's just what I need
because it keeps me focused. We visited with a few inactive families that have
been coming back to church, and it wasn't until they told me how grateful they
were of my help for them that I realized the impact I had on their lives. It made
me feel good, it motivated me for sure! Thanks for your prayers, I love you and
until next week!
Elder Ball
Monday, April 20, 2015
Trust in Him (Bora Bora - week #27)
Ia ora na!
It's been a good week, Elder Swartz and I have been getting
along great and he brings a lot of new talent into our team. He's way smart,
he's into the Army and he's got a sound understanding, a clear intelligence.
Kinda like Moroni. It's good to have him as my last companion!
I've learned (or relearned) quite a few things this week
that have helped me come unto Christ. On Wednesday morning Elder Swartz and I
went with the Relief Society president to visit a contact that she made with
someone last week. During the visit, the woman, named V, expressed the
difficulties in her family, not being able to see her husband often because of
work and his opposition to anything gospel-related. She had been praying for
her husband for at least three years that things would go better, and with
total love the Relief Society President assured her that God heard her prayers,
and sent us to help her. V started to cry. In watching this exchange, I
remembered maybe the most important facet of missionary work: charity and love.
Doctrine and Covenants 12:8 reads "and no one can assist in this work
except he shall be humble and full of love, having faith, hope, and
charity..." V was touched by what was being said simply because she
felt love. She felt our love, and through our love she felt the love of her
Heavenly Father, made manifest through the Holy Ghost.
Later that day, after having multiple plans fall through,
Elder Swartz and I decided to pray for guidance. We felt impressed to visit an
old reference that we had already tried to contact, so we went over, and
surprisingly enough the house of this reference was wide open, the TV is on and
we heard people inside. We call out "Ia ora na!" then the voices in
the house go silent. We wait... "Ia ora na! E taata to te fare?"
...Nothing. Already used to this kind of response, we figured it was best to
leave this house. We didn't question the revelation we received so we decided to
try going next door. As we come to the house next door, we see a woman sweeping
her porch, we call out and she comes to greet us. She introduces herself as
K, and we talk to each other for a little while. She and her husband moved
from Tahiti about a year ago to work here at Bora, and K has had no time
to go to her Protestant church since the move because of work. She had been
hoping to rededicate herself to learning the gospel and learning about Christ,
but she didn't really know how; she didn't even have a Bible! We explained our
role as missionaries, shared a quick message about Christ and the family, and
presented her a Book of Mormon. She was glad to receive it, and she thanked us
sincerely! Here someone was hoping and maybe praying to receive guidance, and
the Lord led us to her. He didn't tell us directly to go there, but by a means
we were already familiar with, we were led to her whereabouts and with faith we
were able to act on our revelation, in spite of the initial disappointment.
Saturday we had a lesson with a man named Y. About two
weeks ago we met Y in trying to contact and old investigator. The old
investigator wasn't there, but Y was, and he was completely wasted. Normally
we choose not to spend a lot of time with the drunk guys, but he called us
over, and Elder Duncan and I went to talk to him briefly, but ended up
listening to him for about a half an hour about his recent separation from his
wife and kids, and his feeling lost, not knowing which religion could be true.
We bore our testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was
indeed true, and that the fulness of the Gospel contained the solutions to his
problems, and he accepted a lesson at his house for last Saturday. So Elder
Swartz and I went to visit him Saturday, he was sober, we shared the message of
the Restoration and he understood perfectly the message. I'm glad that we
decided to listen to Yvon and recognize that he was someone who wanted help,
rather than quickly judge him and dismiss him.
Those are my thoughts for the week. Life is going by pretty
quickly, and in a month I'll be home... pretty sketchy feeling. With the weeks
left, I'll be doing my best to get the most out of em. I love you all, have a
great week!
Monday, April 13, 2015
Making history at Bora (Bora Bora - week #26)
Ia ora na!
Another week went by like that, and the transfer went down.
Elder Duncan left us and now I have Elder Swartz, from Federal Way, Washington!
(If I'm not mistaken, that's where you grew up, right mom?) [From Mom: I am a 1978 graduate of Federal Way High School. Elder Benjamin Swartz is a 2014 graduate of FWHS. Go EAGLES!] It's good to have
him, and he'll be the one to "kill me" meaning he's my last
companion. Dang, last companion. Last transfer. It's crazy.
We had another pretty slow week, due to a week of scholarly
vacation, so many people have left for the week or were busy doing other
things, thus many lessons being canceled and many other backup plans falling
through. Sooo we spent more time visiting members, doing contacting, doing a
little door to door, with surprisingly minimal results. I guess it's just a bad
week? We did our best, and during our weekly planning we made sure to plan our
week out super well so that we'll constantly by plowing through and working
Things are going well for the few investigators we were able
to see this week. For H and S, there are a few things that still
need to be done legally so that they can get married, and its progressing but
it doesn't look like I'll be here for their baptism... It makes me sad, but I
guess it's been like that my whole mission so whatevs, I'm just happy to have
seen the change that took place in their lives. Same for C and K,
they have huge financial problems so marriage for them is difficult, I wont be
here for their baptisms either. Seriously, that is the one thing that has
driven me nuts, concubinage and marriage! They're all ready for baptism, we
just gotta wait on the marriage.
In other news, I found out that I'll be making history at
Bora. For one thing, it isnt often that missionaries finish at Bora, so Elder
Hansen and I will be two of the few, but then I found out that I'll be the
first missionary to finish at Bora... with... a new car! We finally got it,
after quite a few months of waiting, and after quite a few more kilometers of
biking. It will totally help us out, and it's practical. The members tease us
now, saying that we're gonna get fat... probably true. Even with exercise in
the morning, I dont know if I'll be able to equal out with all the eating that
we do. Just dont be surprised when I step off the plane in a month with an
extra chin.
That's the news for this week, we're hoping that next week
will be the bomb and that with the new car we'll get some serious stuff done. I
love you all, and have a great week!
Elder Ball
Goodbye Elder Duncan |
Bienvenue Elder Swartz |
La voiture |
Monday, April 6, 2015
Poisson d'Avril (April's Fool Day) Bora Bora - week #25
Ia ora na!
Ehhh... I'll be honest, the week was a tougher one, but
nonetheless with some cool experiences here and there. Wednesday was probably
the worst day, Satan pulled a massive April fools on us by making sure that all
six of our lessons for the day were cancelled. In addition to that, we were
supposed to get a car that day, which is really needed at this point with the
amount of lessons that we could be having without having to bike up to three
hours of the day. But of course we get a call that it actually wont be coming
until next week! Man it was pretty disappointing, but hey whats one more week
out of the 4 months that we've already been enduring on bike?
The lessons we did have were not bad. We got a couple new
investigators on Tuesday thanks to another neighborhood family night from last
week. One of them was this big woman named Linda, who was once hard-core
Protestant, and she had raised a lot of questions and thoughts during the
family night last week. During our first lesson with her this week she spent a
lot of time talking about her life story, about how her husband had a stroke
and that he would soon return to Bora after having spent some time at the
hospital at Tahiti. Then she starts asking a lot of questions about family, if
it was possible to see them again after death. She displayed a lot of
uncertainty on the subject of life after death. Elder Duncan and I eat those
kind of questions up, and we talked about eternal families and God's priesthood
power to seal families for eternity. It was a sweet lesson, and again it
reaffirms my faith in this gospel that it answers all our deepest, most
intimate questions, and it's so awesome to help people receive the answers to
these questions.
Friday there was a ward activity at the beach, so we had the
chance to go and spend time with members and investigators there. It's moments
like that when we feel really close with the members of the ward, and they gain
trust in us as we show our support in their activities. It helps me appreciate
Bora so much, the beauty of the place and the greatness of the people.
We were supposed to watch conference as well this week, but
since there is no satellite at the chapel they attempted to display it by
Internet, so most of the time it buffered or cut out or crashed. I didn't have
the chance to see much apart from the Saturday and Sunday morning sessions, but
what I did see I loved. As always I enjoy Elder Holland's talk, which was on
the Atonement, a fitting theme for Easter.
That's about the gist for the week, and the last for Elder
Duncan here at Bora. I'll be getting Elder Swartz next week, as well as... a
new car! I love you all, have a great week!
Elder Ball
Monday, March 30, 2015
Parataito (Paradise) Bora Bora - week #24
Ia ora na!
Another week gone by... and just like that, it's already
time for transfer calls. We received em last night, and.... I'll be dying here
in Bora Bora! Elder Duncan and I have been companions for about 4 months now,
definitely the longest companion that I've had my whole mission. He'll be
transferred to Paea over on Tahiti; it's been super great to be with him and to
train him, and he's taught me a lot! After another week with Elder Duncan, I'll
be getting Elder Shwartz the week after conference. He started the same time as
Elder Duncan, and he'll be my last companion. Weird to think I only have one
transfer left. Doesn't really feel like I'll be leaving any time soon!
We had a decent week... a good amount of lessons cancelled,
but of course great lessons with the usual progressing investigators to help
you remember how awesome being a missionary is! We haven't felt a ton of overall
progress in the ward this week, and it's frustrating. But we did our best to
fix as many lessons as possible for next week and plan them super well, and we
had a good personal meeting with bishop to talk a little about the ward, find
solutions to problems and to offer our help in any means possible. It was nice
to discuss with him, he's a great bishop and worthy of his calling. It's just a
matter of all the ward members and the ward council being on the same page now!
Saturday we participated in a ward activity with the young
single adults. For the activity we basically went around with a list of
services and favors to render to random people in the neighborhoods of Bora
Bora, like washing a car or sweeping the patio to telling a story to a child. It
was way fun, and it picked up a few references for the elders as well. Were
planning to do that again in our area next time, cuz it works!
Last Monday we spent a day at the motu. So relaxing and a
good way to appreciate where we serve, in spite of difficulties. Pictures down
I love you all, until next week!
Marona's the guy drivin the boat. He's a stud, and his mustache affirms this fact.
Look at the water! |
Marona lives on this motu |
Perfectly candid shot |
Monday, March 23, 2015
At last (Bora Bora - week #23)
Ia ora na!
Another week gone by, and with some great news. Three months
from the day we first met him in the street, Taro has entered into the waters
of baptism. Like most investigators, he had to make quite a few changes in his
life to qualify for these sacred covenants, but he made em! Within the last
couple of weeks, his desire to be baptized has grown so much, and he's still
holding on tight till this day. It was a blessing to see him grow this much,
and at last this ward has seen a baptism, the first of the year! Two in fact!
It was a joined baptism with a primary child, Tamatea, the son of Stephanie and
Eduard, a recently reactivated family that we visited for a while. It was a
great service, and Elder Duncan and I had the privilege of baptizing the
Things are going great with our other investigators.
C----- and K----- came to the baptismal service, and they were touched, and
had the chance to discuss with other ward members, and it looks like they might
be advancing their marriage date now. We'll see! S---- and H---- came as
well, and they felt the Spirit. We decided to push their baptism back until
April because of certain issues, but they're still excited about the gospel and
desire baptism more than anything else.
Things are going okay in the ward. Elder Duncan and
I are just doing our best to work with all the members so that things can get
moving a little faster. That's the good things about being a missionary, you
learn how ward organization works, you don't really see church work in the same
way that you see it before. It's interesting.
That's the news! I love you all, we're gonna go out on a
boat to the motu today, so we're stoked for that. Have a great week!
Elder Ball
Taro! |
Anau love |
Tout le monde |
Monday, March 16, 2015
Short email (Bora Bora - week #22)
Ia ora na tout le monde!
Here's a trunky letter, I don't have too much time to write
today so I'll just leave a little low down on what's been happening. Taro is
doing good, should be having his baptism soon and we're praying and working to
help him get ready! He's been doing a good job leaving behind the things of the
world and starting to understand the doctrine, and he's been coming to church
which is sweet. K---- and C---- still have the same marriage problem, but
our love for them is still the same and they still make so much learning
progress. T--- and T--- are starting to truly understand the importance of
praying to know that these things are true as they face the dilemma of leaving
the Pentacostal church that they came to love. S---- and H----- came to
church this weekend and they are still as solid as when we met them last week.
Things are looking good, as hard as it is to help them all progress. What we
need the most is more member support, so we're gonna be working to gain more of
I love you all, and I wanted to leave you some photos of one
of the greatest Tahitian meals I've had in a long time at Sam's house, the high
council member in our ward. He's the bomb.
Peace out, until next week!
Elder Ball
The meal. Lobster, pig stir fry over rice, ipo (tahitian cake), poisson cru, taro and fafaru. And that's not even seconds |
Monday, March 9, 2015
More surprises (Bora Bora - week #21)
Ia ora na mes amis!
It was a great week for Elder Duncan and I, with some more
popped tires and another 100 or so kilometers added to the meter. It was one of
those weeks where there's some real good, enriching experiences, as well as
some disappointing ones, and it all makes you love being a missionary and love
the work!
The week started out good with a family night at the home of
the first counselor of the bishopric, frere Florian. He had invited a couple
over, H----- and S-----, who had previously been to another family night
with them. We watched a video on the Atonement and had the chance to teach a
little. Then at the end, S----- shared her thoughts, about how she really
felt something while she watched the video and in the other family night and
how she wanted to join the church. So we fixed a lesson with them for the next
day, taught the Restoration, committed them to be baptized at the end of this
month and they accepted! Before we had extended the invitation, H----- asked
why it was important to be baptized, and we told him that we receive a
remission of our past sins through it and that it's the door to eternal life.
And as we explained that, it was just one of those moments when you feel the
Spirit blanket tangibly over you, and you look over at H----- and you can
tell that he's feeling the same thing, cuz he just starts smiling and crying
and saying how he's wanted something like that for a long time now because of
the mistakes he's made in the past. It was powerful. We just did our job, and
I'm grateful for the Holy Ghost who played the greater role as the true teacher
in that situation.
Then there's the disappointing experience... and it was with
C----and K----. We show up to their house this week, and at the
beginning of the lesson they explained how they were planning on going to the
city hall to cancel their marriage... NOOOO!!! They wanted more time and money
to plan a bigger marriage, to make sure that their house was well renovated to
accommodate all the friends and family they decided to invite, and they were
too embarrassed to ask for help from anybody else... they plan on a June
marriage. For them getting married in the next month was impossible, and they
were convinced. It was a moment when Elder Duncan and I just think
"Father, please help us know what to say..." They are so ready for
baptism, and the only thing keeping them from that is marriage! We
explain that to them, and Elder Duncan shared a touching experience about how
God had answered his prayers in a seemingly impossible situation, and that with
faith we can accomplish God's commandments and miracles can be wrought. It was
another spiritually powerful experience, and they said that they'll think on it
some more, but they were pretty decided on going to the city hall today to push
the date all the way back. We're praying that they'll stay strong!
Eh, that's the mission for ya. Gotta love it, gotta love it.
These last 8 weeks or so have been some of the most impressive on my whole
mission, and I look forward to these last 10, cuz I know they'll be the most
memorable. I love the work! Love you all, until next time!
Elder Ball
Monday, March 2, 2015
Tarooo (Bora Bora - week #20)
Ia ora na tatou!
We were blessed this week with some good experiences. The
first would probably have to be with T---. We've been teaching him ever since
we found him, and we've been going really slow with him since he has a really
hard time understanding the scriptures, and some times we have to go over some
of the same principles as before so that the can remember them. He makes such
an effort and he's made so much progress, but he hadn't yet accepted baptism or
come to church. This week was a milestone! We read in 3 Nephi 11 about baptism
with him, and he understood then just how important baptism is for him. He
accepted to be baptized this month! Then yesterday he made it to church with a
member! Awesome progress! During the coming weeks we just gotta make sure he's
all ready and he'll be down there in the water.We pray that he'll be able to
overcome all temptation!
T---- and T---- progress well! T---'s been coming to
church, but T--- hasn't really made the effort yet, it's been years since he's
been to any church! But Saturday there was a baptismal service for the Vaitape
ward, and we had already invited them to come. The day of the service, Elder Duncan
and I planned to ask them for a ride back to the other side to the chapel with
us as a way of making sure they wouldn't miss out on this spiritual moment ;)
T---- wasn't really planning on going, but luckily when we asked for a ride he
accepted to go as well! He and T---- had a good experience at the baptism and
they enjoyed it. We're glad they came as well!
The weeks keep passing by, there really isn't much time left
for me huh? I'll be sad to leave my island home, but I am looking forward to
seeing all your faces again. For now Ill be working hard until the end, no
worries. I love you all, until next week!
Elder Ball
Monday, February 23, 2015
Que mon pays est beau (Bora Bora - week #19)
Ia ora na!
It's been another great week... in spite of another round of
sickness. This time it was just a flu virus for both Elder Duncan and I. We
kicked it's butt. Took us out momentarily but not enough to keep our hopes
down. We had some great experiences this week and Elder Duncan and I are more
unified than ever before, we've been starting to teach super well together! And
to add to that I've started exercising again in the morning to keep me nice and
in shape for the biking that we do. It's such a good start to the day and it
makes life so much more beautiful!
Because of our sicknesses, and because of their work
schedules, we didn't really have the chance to see C-- and K-this
week, but C--was able to come to church, and we had a quick lesson with
him on the Holy Ghost. He talked about how whenever he reads he feels God's
presence, so all he ever wants to do is reads the scriptures... then he testifies
to us how he knows that the Book of Mormon is true, and he just starts crying!
Such a sweet, powerful moment, and the Holy Ghost did it's job.
Things are still going well with T-- and T--. My love
for this family is truly starting to grow, and they've been super good with
reading the Book of Mormon. We just pray that the Holy Ghost will touch their
hearts and tell them that all these things are true. Apart from the lessons
that we do, we have a really good relationship as well. From the start we
managed to break the ice with them super well and we were laughing and joking
with them. They always offer that we eat with them, and they even took us home
after their lesson with them in their truck. Such and AWESOME family, I want
the best for them!
This week our DMP found a house for us on the other side of
the island! We were stoked, so we went over to check it out... such a beautiful
house, right next to the ocean, smack dab in the middle of our area... but it's
3 bedrooms, and 1200 bucks a month. We called President Bize praying that it
would be good, and when we explained it to him I could tell that he was shaking
his head. He told us to find another one... go figure. That house is probably
best with another family anyway. Today another member called offering us a
house a little smaller in the same neighborhood, so we might go check that one
out today. God's starting to be a little merciful to us!
Things are going well, my outlook on the work this week was
bright, and I have a lot of hope and love for the future. Don't stop praying for
us! I love you all and have a great week.
Elder Ball
Monday, February 16, 2015
Aue na tamataraa (Bora Bora - week #18)
Ia ora na tatou!
Another super quick week that has passed by. Things keep
picking up in our area, and were finding more and more people who are
interested in the Gospel. For the past several years our area has been the most
untouched on the whole island because its so far away from our house, so it
hasn't been until the new ward creation two months ago when Elder Duncan and I
came storming in looking for those souls who have been waiting. Now we've found
a good amount, but in all honesty we're tired... because of the distance of our
house, we bike between 15-20 miles a day and have yet been unsuccessful in
finding a new house in our area. It's not very likely that we'll be getting
that car that President said could be coming, either. Well, gotta make do with
what you got!
As for the news on the transfer, we've found out that there
will be no transfers on the island, so Elder Duncan and I will be staying
together. So it looks like Bora Bora will be my burial ground! I'm totally fine
with that. This area is awesome, and just maybe Ill see the day when we
actually live in our area.
![]() |
We love the friends in Tahiti who post pictures of Casey using social media. This one is a selfie by Leen Nauta during a church service project this week. |
We had an awesome lesson with T-- and his family as well.
We taught the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and invited them to
baptism. Unfortunately they didn't accept yet, but they sincerely want to search
further and read the Book of Mormon. T----, his wife, and their two daughters
M-- and M-- came to church as well Sunday. T-- didn't come because he was
embarrassed that he didn't have the right clothes to come. The poor guy! This
family is just super sincere and honest, and they feel so bad when they don't
keep a commitment that they accepted. We just assure them that even if they
don't keep a commitment, if they have a desire to do better than they'll be able
to do it the next time and move on, and that we're not gonna yell at em or
anything. Haha I'm just impressed by their integrity and their real intent to do
the right thing.
That's what I got for this week. Keep cheering me on until
the buzzer, its the end of the fourth quarter now and I gotta keep going in
spite of the fatigue! I love you all, and I love this work, and have a great
Elder Ball
Monday, February 9, 2015
More exotic disease (Bora Bora - week #17)
Ia ora na!
Well, not much to report on this week, except the fact that I caught yet another rare exotic virus called coxsackevirus. It was basically a fever and a ton of blisters on my hands and feet, which was pretty painful. Luckily it only lasted about three days, unlike chikungunya. Apparently its rare in adults and more common in children, but the doctor said that because of chikungunya my immune system was weakened, so I was able to catch this new virus. How awesome. But I'm over it now, ready to move on!
This picture was emailed to us (Casey's parents) from a sister who was at that neighborhood concert. |
We had an awesome time at a neighborhood gospel night that we put on in the Matira neighborhood. Elder Duncan and I taught a lesson on our relationship with our Heavenly Father and how he gave us his son, Jesus Christ. The Spirit was strong, and it went awesome. Matira is known to be a serious party neighborhood, and surprisingly enough we had a ton of teenagers come listen, and a good number of them accepted the lessons in the future. After we had finished the lesson and started eating the refreshments, out of nowhere two guitars come out, and of course Elder Duncan and I start getting ideas. The rest of the night turned into a mini concert by us, and people loved it. When you show your fun side as a missionary, people become so much open to you!
I'm grateful for the talents that God has given us all. It makes me remember the counsel that the Lord gave in Doctrine & Covenants 60:13. "Behold, they have been sent to preach my gospel among the congregations of the wicked; wherefore, I give unto them a commandment, thus: Thou shalt not idle away thy time, neither shalt thou bury thy talent that it may not be known." We might as well use our talents to uplift and edify others and help them to come unto Christ than be ashamed.
That's the short email for this week, more to come next week while I'm no longer sick. Love you all, and have a good week!
Elder Ball
Monday, February 2, 2015
Bleh (Bora Bora - week #16)
Ia ora na tout le monde. Unfortunately I got the flu so I
don't really feel too much like writing a huge email, so I'm sorry. But the week
was pretty good. We found quite a few new investigators as well and we're
hoping to help them into the waters of baptism soon. Things are looking good,
there's plenty of work to do.
A touching moment of the week: yesterday I was asked me to
do a baby blessing for the baby of a less active member. This would be the
first time that I do a baby blessing. But when we took the baby in our arms,
she was so calm and just looked up at me the whole time as I was saying the
blessing. It made me realize how amazing it will be to be a father someday, as
I bless my own children. It was a sweet, loving glimpse into fatherhood.
Well, that's the news. I'm hoping that this flu wont last too
long, but luckily it's P-day and we don't have to do anything. Love you all,
until next week!
Elder Ball
Photo emailed to us from a kind Tahitian mother, Stephanie Teuira, who takes good care of missionaries there in Bora Bora. |
Monday, January 26, 2015
The best week (Bora Bora - week #15)
ora na!
Again, another week of really awesome progress. We
almost nailed our goal of 20 lessons, but fell just a little short because of
cancellations. But the work is progressing, and that is what's important!
First of all, things have been going great with K--- and C---. This week we had the first lesson in a while with both of them
present, and for a couple weeks we've only been able to see one or the other
because the other was working. And in talking to them last week, they've told
us that they are willing to finally get married and be baptized... next year.
Well, at least they have the desire! But this week Elder Duncan and I really
wanted to help them fix a goal worthy of their capacities to follow Christ. We
taught a great lesson with both of them on the Plan of Salvation, in talking
about how this day is the day to prepare to meet God and accomplish or works.
We then invited them to prepare for marriage and baptism in the month of March
of this year. And surprisingly enough, C--- and K--- looked at each
other and smiled. K---was totally down for it, but C--- wasn't too
sure. We testified, and as we finished C--- just said "I want you
guys to give me a blessing."
How sweet was that Spirit as we gave him the blessing
to reassure him of Heavenly Father's love for him. After the blessing, he looks
at us and says "It looks like March is gonna be good for marriage and
baptism." Who would've thought that an angry man who once would burn
copies of the Book of Mormon and mock the missionaries as they rode by would 4
months later accept to be baptized and get married. What an awesome couple!
Things are also cool with T---! He's thinking about
getting baptized soon as well, but wants to come to church a few times before
making a good decision. This week he was supposed to come by bus, but as the
bus pulled up to the chapel we were saddened to see that he wasn't there! Dang,
maybe next week!
We found a great new family this week. It was actually
a door to door contact that we made with a man named T---- at the beginning of
the month. He wanted to receive us that day, but was too occupied so we
fixed a return date later that week. And here's where Elder Ball makes a big
mistake: the day of the lesson, I decide that we really needed to see a family
of old investigators instead of going to T----'s lesson, so we did. I guess I
thought it was the Spirit? We had a good experience with that family and they
came to church that weekend, but frankly I shouldn't have made that decision to
pass up T----.
So this week, with a lesson cancelled, we decide to go
pass by T----'s again to see if he was still interested, and he was and we
fixed a return date with him for later in the week. Then this time we made sure
to really pass by to see him! And when we arrived, we were surprised to be
welcomed in by him, but also by his wife and his two daughters. This was a
whole family! We had a great first contact with them, and in speaking with
them, they revealed their desires to change their lives: to stop drinking, to
have better family relations, to pray more often. And they truly, all four of
them, had this desire and were so excited for us to come over and help them and
tell them that they could truly change thanks to Jesus Christ's atonement. If
only I had known that this family was really wanting and waiting for this, I
wouldn't have passed it up a month ago! And to make it worse, T---- talked how
he joked with his wife saying that he had a dream that two angels would come to the house that first day. So he made food and got everything ready and they
waited... and we didn't come. Again... IF ONLY! I truly repented. And I thanked
God that it still worked out and that this family still wanted to have us. They
thought nothing of it.
Well, that's the week in a nutshell. The biking is
hard, but it's worth the effort because every day brings small miracles. I love
you all and have a great week!
Elder Ball
Monday, January 19, 2015
An angel named Ellis (Bora Bora - week #14)
Ia ora na!
Good week this week! Maybe the best we had since the new
ward creation. We were able to have 15 discussions this week, and next week is
looking like 20. But apart from the new goals that we've attained, God truly
helped us this week.
There was one day in the week when we were biking along to a
lesson, and we were going pretty fast in order to be on time. As we were going,
a Tahitian guy on a scooter passes us and in English says "Hey
Elders!" He then makes a u-turn and stops us. He asks us "Which ward
do guys serve in?" We reply Anau and then he says "Oh, right on. By
the way my names Ellis. Good luck guys!" Then he rides off. My companion
and I were kinda standing there wondering what that was all about, then we go
on our way. But as we start to leave that spot, we hear a whistle, and we turn
to see a dude waving his shirt around trying to get our attention. We ride on
over, and recognize that it's Taro.
I don't know if you guys remember when I talked about a dude
named Taaroa in a previous email, when we talked to him for like an hour and
gave him a Book of Mormon, but didn't accept the lessons. Well, his names
actually Taro, and we've been trying to contact him ever since to try and do a
follow up on the Book of Mormon, but haven't been able to find him. And now, we
found him, and his house! He saw us while we were talking to Ellis, and had
just enough time to run out and get our attention. We talked to him for a
moment, and told him that we had a lesson and that we would try to come back
again later, but after getting to our lesson to find that our investigator
wasn't there, we figured out that Taro was the one that we really needed to be
talking to at that time.
We headed back to Taro's house, and he accepted to discuss
with us. After finishing the prayer, he takes out his Book of Mormon that we
had given to him. He had read many chapters at random, and the night before he
had finished reading Alma 40-42. He asks us a ton of questions about the things
he read, and we do our best to answer them all, because he had a ton! Then the
craziest thing, he pulls out this binder with tons of paper in it. He shows us
the things he's written on the paper, turns out that he copied in writing
pretty much the entire Guide to the Scriptures. He turns to one subject, which
happens to be the gift of the Holy Ghost, and asks us what all that stuff
meant. By this point Elder Duncan and I are a little overwhelmed but marveled
by what this guy has been doing. He then goes off showing this list of
questions he has, from "Where do I truly come from" to "Why are there
so many churches in the world". If only we had time to answer all these
questions! We gave him brochures on the Restoration and the Plan of Salvation
and told him to do the studies that were in the backs of the brochures, and we
shared a super short message of the Restoration and just testified. This time
he accepted the lessons, and we fixed a lesson for next week.
At the time, that whole experience was honestly super weird,
but looking back and talking about it with Elder Duncan, that was one of the
most miraculous moments I have had on my mission. Taro is someone who is
obviously hungering and thirsting for the Gospel, and he's wanted answers to
his questions for this past month and we weren't able to find him. And now,
after some seemingly coincidental meeting with Ellis in front of Taro's house,
which lasted just the right amount of time for Taro to see us, we were able to
meet with Taro again. The only thing is, Elder Duncan and I have concluded that
it wasn't at all coincidence. God knows how to make things work in certain ways
for the salvation of His children. Thanks to an angel sent from God named
Ellis, we'll be seeing Taro again next week.
In addition to that awesome experience, we had a good
district meeting with President Bize, along with Elder Larsen and Elder White.
It was great to just have that support from them, and it was also refreshing to
find out that Elder Duncan and I will be getting a car soon. Right on.
Well, that's the news for this week. I love you all, and
until next week!
Elder Ball
Monday, January 12, 2015
Best sacrament meeting (Bora Bora - week #13)
Ia ora na!
I actually don't have much time this week since we got a
call that President Bize and the assistants will be coming down to Bora this
weekend! So we've been spending all day deep cleaning our house to make sure
that it's beautiful before they arrive. I don't think the house has been cleaned
this deep since before the missionaries started living in it... but it's turning
out great!
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Elder Ball and Elder Duncan at meeting with President Bize and the assistants. This photo was found on President and Sister Bize's Facebook page. |
We actually had a good week, a little like the last week
since a lot of lessons ended up getting cancelled and pushed back until next
week. But we've had the privilege to eat with a good amount of inactive
families these past two weeks, and the ward has been visiting inactive families
left and right. This week at church like 6 inactive families that haven't been
to church in forever came to church! It was so awesome to see all these
families that I've been visiting from time to time since I've come here to Bora
finally come back to church. Elder Duncan and I were truly happy.
Sorry but that's about all the time I have, gotta go clean
crab juice off the patio wall (don't even ask). Love you all and have a great
Elder Ball
Monday, January 5, 2015
New year, new energy (Bora Bora - week #12)
Ia ora na!
Happy new year to everybody!
We had a great new year here in Bora Bora for Elder Duncan and I, as well as
for the other missionaries. Again, we ended up eating like three plates of food
on new years eve, with everything from oysters to pig to turkey and sashimi.
And I can honestly say that after looking at gut at the end of this week, and
gonna take up exercising in the morning again.
Anyway, new years was nice,
we did eat a good amount of food and took it pretty easy after a good day of
work, in relation to everyone else on the island. If you guys can remmeber how
it was on Tubuai at new years, it's pretty much the same here: everybody's
drunk. It didn't seem as bad for me this year,either because I knew what to
expect or because all the drunk dudes tried to kiss us instead of punch our
faces. It's just funny how all the drunk guys wanna cause beef with the
missionaries. I think Elder Duncan got quite a few bisous on the cheek this
week. I said to him "you will never be kissed by as many men in your life
as you will on your mission." True story though. Then new years eve, we're
obedient and go to bed at 10:30, then we're awakened at midnight to
earsplitting pops which in my sleepy head were gunshots, so I awake all freaked
out to find that people were lighting straight fireworks in the field right
next to our house! Haha it was nuts, but we got a kick out of it.
As for the work, it's still a
little slow because a lot of investigators are out of town or choose to do
other rather worldly things this time of year, so we didn't have to many lessons
going for us this week. Which means that we took the time to contact all of the
old investigators in our area book, visit inactive members and do straight up
contacting and door to door. It was the best use of our time, and we were
rewarded to find a good mount of potential investigators and have some great
lessons with inactive members.
There was one point when we
ran out of old investigators to go see, and the door to door was getting old
and Elder Duncan and I got a little tired and were not too sure what we could
do next to best use our time. Elder Duncan suggested that we say a prayer to
ask where we needed to go or what needed to be done. So we did, and after
finishing our prayer we start continuing down the street with our bikes, and a
little distance away we stop at the first house we see. It felt right. We call
out and are greeted by a woman who happens to be an old investigator who wasn't
in our area book. We talk to her a little bit, and she asks us if we could help
her teenage son who suffers from serious mental stress. We get to know the son
and talk to him a little bit, and he agrees to receive a priesthood blessing.
Once he's blessed, he tells us that he feels calm and relieved, and would like
to have us over again next week. So we'll be going back over there to that
family next week to see them. I can say that the Lord straight answered our
prayer, and pretty much immediately, because it was a family that needed our
help and could be prepared to receive the gospel. I'm grateful for that quick
response, because other times they come a little later!
That's about all I'll include
for this week, but we're ready for things to start picking up again and for
investigators to come back to town. Here's some photos from our P-day hike
today. Love you all, and happy new year!
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